6 Reasons You Will Love Tierra Nueva Cohousing

Cohousing life involves challenges and growth opportunities, all of which are discovered over time. But talk with residents here and you’ll soon learn that we love living in Tierra Nueva in spite of the hard work of “coho” life. Let’s talk about six reasons you’ll love living in Tierra Nueva:

1. You’ll have a built-in social life. Chances are you’ll make friends easily in cohousing. Between regular meals, landscape work, teams and business meetings, there is ample time to make connections.

2. You’ll contribute your skills/interests to a large group of people. Love gardening, cooking or even cleaning? Teaching children knitting? Bring them to Tierra Nueva! You’ll have a group setting that probably will welcome your skills and apply them.

3. People will cook for you! Cohousing communities pride themselves in having common meals where people get together maybe once, twice or three times a week in the community’s common house. Here at Tierra Nueva, we cook or clean once a month and eat a bunch of times! What a deal! Common meals are one of the things that keep cohousing communities vibrant and connected.

4. You’ll have a say in decision making. Understand the concepts of consensus? Different cohousing communities have different interpretations of consensus, but the bottom line is everyone needs to agree on a proposal for it to pass. Remember, you need to come from the standpoint of what’s best for your community, not what’s best for yourself.

5. You’ll be exposed to different perspectives and different generations. This might not be a benefit in your opinion! But in the long run, learning to work with differences, whether it’s backgrounds or ages, is a good thing. Being a help to an elder, getting to know a 3-year-old, learning about why someone is vegan, disagreeing about where the laundry line should go – these are all learning experiences that we all should have. Living close to these differences is what makes our relationships so special. Difficult sometimes but incredibly special.

6. Location, location, location!Tierra Nueva is located close to the beach, close to a walking trail, next door to a beautiful eucalyptus grove, just 20 minutes from San Luis Obispo’s hiking trails, and half way between Los Angeles and San Francisco. It’s beautiful here!

Each day I walk through Tierra Nueva Cohousing and drink in the benefits: a beautiful landscape, perfect weather, neighbors I like (and some I love), and a layout that feels safe. Every cohousing community has its benefits – and I encourage you to learn more.