Listing information for Homes for Sale is provided as a service of the Tierra Nueva community and the website. The home will be represented by either its direct owner or a real estate agent. The information for homes for sale is available directly on this page (scroll down) or are available through the pull-down menus related to “For Sale or Rent” on the home page menu bar.
For descriptions of the community’s common areas and amenities please see Tierra Nueva Cohousing’s listing with nationwide and elsewhere within these same website pages.
Tierra Nueva Cohousing
What truly makes this a special place is the community you are joining. Tierra Nueva residents highly value their neighbors and have formed a community that provides a lifestyle of connectedness. They share in workdays, meals, and planning to ensure the community is well cared for. This cohousing community offers a 3,000 square foot common house where neighbors can socialize and gather for a variety of activities. Whether it be harvesting from the community vegetable gardens, partaking in art, dance, or yoga classes or taking some time to read in a quiet, library room, the cohousing community has something to offer everyone who lives there. This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to live in a desirable location with mature avocado trees and be a part of a community that values community and tranquility.